Welcome to the Freddy Fazbear family! As an employee of Fazbear Entertainment, you are invited to the participate in staff holiday events. This year (2022) we’re putting on a SECRET SANTA. This document contains all the information on how this event will be run so you can participate fully and with little confusion.


Secret Santa assignments will be DMed to participants on September 28th. You’ll receive this assignment in the following formatted message:Giftee: [participant name/username]
Type of Gift: [art/fic/poetry/edit/other]
Prompts: [list of prompts on sign-up sheet from participant]
Ships: [okay/prefer not, list of ships provided]
Favourites: [favourite characters/animatronics/tropes provided]
Your task is to then create something for that person based on their list! You can also anonymously ask questions to said person through a mod or Tumblr asks if you’d like any clarification. Do not worry about taking every aspect of the list into your creation! This is supposed to be fun and have as minimal stress as possible; enjoy creating!

  • Check-Ins

Every month there will be a three day long check-in. These check-ins are to make sure that progress is being made on your piece! Each check-in will come with a message about (ideally) how much progress you’ve made. If you have not made progress on your piece between check-ins, that’s okay! Just let a mod know.If you do not think you will be able to complete a piece by the gifting period, inform a mod ASAP so we can take over the gift.

  • Gifting Period

The gifting period takes place between December 25th and January 6th. Any time during this period you may post your gift, send a link to it in the server, and ping your giftee. If you post your creation on AO3, you can also submit it to our collection:

If you do not receive a gift during this period, don’t hesitate to contact a mod.


Event Announcement: August 8th
Schedule Announcement: August 10th
Mod Announcements: August 15th - August 20th
Character Brackets: August 21st - August 27th
Sign-Ups Countdown: August 30th - September 1st
Sign-Ups Open: September 2nd
Sign-Ups Close: September 23rd
Secret Santa Assignments: September 28th
Check-In 1: October 19th
Check-In 2: November 16th
Check-In 3: December 14th
Gifting Period: December 25th to January 6th

Fazbear Socials

Please contact [email protected] for addition information, questions, concerns, or comments.